The mission statement of Jesus Name Community Church is “To introduce people to Jesus Christ and to establish community among believers through worship, evangelism, discipleship and fellowship.”
Faith, prayer, people, progress, life
These words immediately come to mind when I think of Jesus Name Community Church.
I accepted this pastorate 26 years ago with a small church building, 9 people, a history, and a PROMISE! Gods hand has rested on us and led us from the very beginning. We know what it is to work hard, toil, pray, love, lose, and win. And finally we are reaping a bountiful harvest! God is adding to the church almost daily! Our average attendance has increased from those first 9 people years ago! We have also started a Spanish daughter work, which now has a pastor and averages approximately 50 people.
We believe we have much to offer you and your family. From fresh, innovative music, thriving youth ministries including Camp Yadah, complete care for your family through, Home Fellowship Groups, Kids’ Church, to anointed preaching and ministering the Word of God, your whole person can be touched by the body of Christ.
We believe there is a place for everybody in the body. God has been so gracious to send us key people to evangelize our part of the world, and we are looking forward to meeting you and having you become a part of our ministry efforts here at JNCC!